Saturday, September 12, 2009

If you want to lose weight, try the new Diet School Diet (DSD)

The Diet School Diet (DSD) is not a starvation diet. Even though you are somewhat restricted to two basic food groups, and two meals a day, you will have plenty of meals to choose from and you will be able to eat as much as you want to satisfy your appetite. Food groups for the core weight loss diet consist of meat and vegetables.

Lean meats: Ham, chicken, beef steak, pork chops, duck, turkey, fish, and other fresh meats. You can include eggs, cheese, and milk (2%) in this group. Remember to cut the fat and limit the cooking oil. This does not include processed meats such as sausage, lunch-meat, hot dogs, and ground beef. You cannot trim the fat calories in processed meats.

The second group is vegetables, not starches. Have all the vegetables you can eat. Green salads are probably the best because they do not require cooking. This group includes lettuce, tomatoes, green peas, cabbage, cucumber, spinach, bean sprouts, squash and other vegetables. Include legumes in limited amounts.

You can have an egg omelet in for lunch with cucumber and tomato on the side. You can also have a steak for dinner with a garden salad along with a bowl of vegetable stew. This would be two meals for the day with no excess calories. You body will burn all the calories with metabolism and you will get the nutrients you need.

The diet does not include bread, rice, cake, ice-cream, sugar sweetened soda, and other starchy foods. Drink water with all of your meals.

In the beginning, you will find it easier to stick to the diet at home when you are alone. Later, you will be able to diet when you go out with others. Also, if you have some really good recipes, please share them with the members of our support group. To learn more about DSD, visit and take some lessons online. It is easy to lose weight when you know how to do it.

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