Saturday, September 12, 2009

If you want to lose weight, try the new Diet School Diet (DSD)

The Diet School Diet (DSD) is not a starvation diet. Even though you are somewhat restricted to two basic food groups, and two meals a day, you will have plenty of meals to choose from and you will be able to eat as much as you want to satisfy your appetite. Food groups for the core weight loss diet consist of meat and vegetables.

Lean meats: Ham, chicken, beef steak, pork chops, duck, turkey, fish, and other fresh meats. You can include eggs, cheese, and milk (2%) in this group. Remember to cut the fat and limit the cooking oil. This does not include processed meats such as sausage, lunch-meat, hot dogs, and ground beef. You cannot trim the fat calories in processed meats.

The second group is vegetables, not starches. Have all the vegetables you can eat. Green salads are probably the best because they do not require cooking. This group includes lettuce, tomatoes, green peas, cabbage, cucumber, spinach, bean sprouts, squash and other vegetables. Include legumes in limited amounts.

You can have an egg omelet in for lunch with cucumber and tomato on the side. You can also have a steak for dinner with a garden salad along with a bowl of vegetable stew. This would be two meals for the day with no excess calories. You body will burn all the calories with metabolism and you will get the nutrients you need.

The diet does not include bread, rice, cake, ice-cream, sugar sweetened soda, and other starchy foods. Drink water with all of your meals.

In the beginning, you will find it easier to stick to the diet at home when you are alone. Later, you will be able to diet when you go out with others. Also, if you have some really good recipes, please share them with the members of our support group. To learn more about DSD, visit and take some lessons online. It is easy to lose weight when you know how to do it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The New Diet Weight Loss School Diet (DSD)

Diet Weight Loss School is introducing its new diet called “Diet School Diet” (DSD). It is a healthy meat-and-vegetable diet that lets you lose weight without going hungry. You can eat as much as you want as long as you stay with the correct food choices. Also, if you stay will the diet long enough, the food will start to taste much better and you will not feel sluggish and stuffed after meals, but you will be satisfied. Meat and vegetables are easy to digest and they don’t cause heartburn. The reason you will lose weight on DSD is because it is a low calorie diet. You can eat a lot of food without consuming many calories. This is where you lose body fat. Let’s take a look at a typical DSD core meal: A half pound NY steak with a salad made with lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

A half-pound NY steak has only about 500 calories if you trim the fat. One whole tomato has only 26 calories, a whole cucumber has about 31 calories, and a small head of lettuce has only 65 calories. This mean that a large steak dinner with as much salad as you can eat will be about 750 calories including the salad dressing.

If you want to eat more, you can have a one-pound steak for dinner and still only consume about 1100 calories in the entire meal. Add a hand full of peanuts and a cup of legumes and the meal will be balanced for the day. If you like different kinds of vegetables, meats and seafood, you will have not trouble staying on this diet. Lobster, crab, and shrimp are even lower in calories than lean meat, without butter of course. Fish has about the same amount of calories as steak. The key to losing weight is knowing how the diet works.

Please visit and take a few easy lesson on dieting and weight loss. You will be surprised at how a few lesson can help you lose weight. Also, join our discussion group and share you knowledge and experiences with other people who are trying to lose weight.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Diet Weight Loss School is Up and Running

Announcement: We are proud to announce that the Diet Weight Loss School is up and running. This is a new website where dieters can come to learn and interact with each other. If you would like to lose a few pounds and keep it off, try Diet Weight Loss School (DWS). You don’t have to be on a particular diet to take the courses at DWS and learn to lose weight. You can also join our discussion group and learn for other like yourself.

The course will help you no matter which diet you are on. The lessons are brief and easy to understand. You study and learn at your own pace. Each lesson is divided into Teaching Modules. Each module is followed by a brief test to check you understanding. You may go back and review a module or lesson at any time. Also, you may take the courses as many times as your like. It maybe a good idea to review the courses periodically to keep up with the latest changes in the diet and weight loss community.

We introduced the online school with a few articles that will were followed by detail courses with lessons and modules. We are expecting to get suggestions from site visitors as we improve the site. This will help us improve the school and its course materials.

If you have have success with dieting in the past, you probably have value information that you can share with other visitors and group members.

If you have tried several diets and still cannot lose weight, this might be an excellent opportunity for you to finally drop the extra pounds. Try the diet at DWS: